Thursday, December 7, 2017

Beginning The Journey

This a journal of my personal journey into my craft, for so many years I have heard the calling to follow a different path to embrace the magick around me and to accept my abilities.  For years I choose to ignore the calling in part because practicing was discouraged in my family.  There were always hint that magick existed, my great grandmother encouraged me to follow my inner voice because as she said I have the gift. I would later find out that her grandmother and mother were hidden witches, for what ever reason she did not practice and discouraged my grandmother and by connection my mother and aunt from practicing. I however, have heard this voice from an early age, a fascination with all things that were 'natural magick. So now in my life as I have learned to embrace what makes me, me that includes the craft. I am still listening and reading and trying to find my way, but I will say that for the first time I have a sense of calm, understanding and curiosity about the world around me and it's magick unlike that I have ever experienced.

Through out this process I will work on trying to find my way, and share some of my journey along the way.