Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Embracing Your Path

As with most things in life we may identify with a certain group of ideas and or people yet our path the journey to find our way is our own, this is a difficult thing to learn as a human being. What works for one may not work for others, this is true of many different things within life and so it is on my journey into the craft.

I find it in many ways even more difficult because I am in the broom closet sort of speak that is to say, that my husband and my child one other witch and a few others but that is about it.  I do not announce it although I do embrace some of the commercial things in order to wear a pentagram or a piece of protective jewelry and in some cases I really like the show or movies I am embracing and in others it has more to do with the fact that I can openly embrace my wiccan beliefs  under cover without dealing with the comments that I envision happening from many people.

This sounds dishonest I know but short of getting into an argument with every ' Sunday Christian' or judgmental bigot who believes that everyone else will go to hell if they don't follow the bible I just find this easier. In part because although living in a small community has it's perks it also has it's downside as well. For my daughter it would mean not being able to hang out with some of her friends because their families are Christian.  So my compromise is this, I live life the way I believe I am meant to do I try do no harm, I make a point of not making judgements against or about most people, and I live in a sense of love and kindness because it is what I wish to receive back.

As I gradually find my way down my path, there are things I have discovered, I am an eclectic witch this simply means that I am drawn to more than one aspect of the practice, I am a kitchen witch without question, and if I could I would have an outdoor garden but I am unable to currently so instead I settle for herbs in my home. I love to work with yarn and have started learning how to make jewelry because at least in my part of the country I live in an area where finding Wiccan jewelry and supplies is not always easy, so I find ways to obtain what I want so I can make what I need or desire. I love the idea of candle magic although making my own candles at this point is not practical so I buy mine and cast a purification spell upon them.

I cast spells every morning and night I chose to live by the example that I belief formal religions obtained from Wicca and Pagan values and that is to help if you can and to honor life because it exist, and that makes every human, regardless of your beliefs about them personally, and every spirit deserves respect, from animals to trees we share this planet together and we must embrace each other.

I am sure that when most people first meet me they are uncertain of what to think, but I don't preach I live a life of faith and kindness and I honor myself and those I love by my actions and words and I do my best to honor the Goddess and God and be thankful for each sunny and rainy day and everything in between.    This I am certain is confusing to most people because I do not profess a faith I simply accept that others are entitled to their beliefs and their are things that are not allowed in my home simply because of what it can invite otherwise all are welcome be ye Christian, Jew, or Muslim, Buddhist , Hindu, Agnostic, or Atheist, or like minded, because in honoring others I find that I honor myself as well.

So far this has been my journey and I feel as though I still have so far to go but I have come so far...I can't wait to see what else is revealed..